Tackling brain complexity from local circuit to global dynamics


We study spontaneous activity and cortical dynamics at multiple time scales to find out how it may support memory, learning, and higher cognitive functions. We combine experimental, computational and theoretical expertise. We strive to be a highly collaborative environment, among ourselves and with the scientific community as a whole.

We are based in the Netherlands at the Donders Institute and Radboud University.


The starting point of our investigation was the finding that hippocampus and prefrontal cortex show coordinated activity both during behavior (Benchenane et al 2010) and during sleep (Peyrache et al. 2009). These results were linked to memory consolidation, the strengthening and re-organization of memories that takes place ‘off-line’ after that a memory is acquired. It is however clear that memory activity involves much more than the link between an handful of brain areas and is rather the product of synergies involving the entire brain. It is also clear that memory cannot be separated by other cognitive activities. Our current approach aims at extending the analysis of memory related spontaneous activity to the whole of cerebral cortex, and to the default more network in particular.

To this purpose, we expanded our experimental toolbox from electrophysiology to advanced imaging, at the wide-field and neuronal ensemble level, and we develop novel analytical techniques. We strive to combine experimental, theoretical and technological expertise in an interdisciplinary approach.

We believe in collaboration, in strong mentoring (everyone is a mentor of their junior colleagues). We also believe in a healthy, diverse, fair working environment and we keep a critical attitude towards science, the academia and our universities.